Thursday, April 8, 2010

What do you wish people would know about this issue?

One thing I think it is difficult for people who don't struggle with the disorder to grasp is that getting over an eating disorder is not just a matter of willpower, determination, or "just doing it." These behaviors are the expression of a person's inner conflicts and worries.  Until these underlying issues are address, it a very difficult to imagine giving up the disorder.

Another topic which people misunderstand is the connection between our society's dieting culture and the prevalence of eating disorders.  When people of normal healthy weight call themselves fat and constantly discuss the need to lose weight, it contributes to a perfectionism and an unrealistic standard that encourages eating disorders.  It is hard to for clients to understand why everyone around them is restricting and over-exercising when they are trying to stop.  I would like to see healthy people making positive comments about their bodies and enjoying food without guilt.  I would like to see people of all sizes represented positively in the media.

Finally, I would like to see more of an emphasis in our culture on strengthening supportive family and community connections, as isolation and a lack of loving, accepting relationships are also significant factors in the development of eating disorders.

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