Friday, July 6, 2007


The improvement of understanding is for two ends:
first, for our own increase in knowledge;
secondly, to enable us to deliver and make
out that knowledge to others.

John Locke


Anonymous said...

can you tell me about your eating disorders group for women? how much it costs? do you have a sliding scale as i am on disability? thanks tammy

Anonymous said...


The eating disorders support group is a drop-in group that is free. You can come on Thursdays and/or on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

how many people typically attend your groups on thurs/sund. im in recovery and just moved to chicago and feel that this would be beneficial to attend, however im a little ambivalent about attending as well...ive not been to a group in two years as i prefer individual in a different place now and think this will be a positive experience, but im a little nervous and "group shy"

Anonymous said...

Right now our groups are smaller and more intimate. (We have just added these extra support groups in order to provide more support for patients. It takes a little time for people to find out about the groups and to build a consistent base of group members.) And so, especially if you are "group shy" this might be a good time to drop in. The Lakeview Center therapists who run the groups will be happy to answer any questions, and direct you towards an individual therapist who might be a good fit for your needs.

Also, groups are a wonderful tool for recovery since many patients come to realize that they are not alone in their struggles. It can be very supportive and affirming: a very nice complement to individual treatment.

Anonymous said...

i have a couple questions about a couple groups the binge/emotional group? when does that meet and how much does that cost? womens eating disorder group 2pm to 3:30pm on wednesdays how much does that cost?
and interpersonal therapy group on tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm how much is that group? signed anonymous

Anonymous said...

i tried to attend some of the free groups during the summer, but every time i came i was sent home due to the number in attendance. are the groups running still? is there a enough people attending that it is running?

Anonymous said...

i haven't been to the anad meetings on thursday evenings or sundays in a few weeks because of upcoming things...also, there weren't enough people...are the groups still running? how is the attendance? i need the support and could use a meeting so i was wondering if there were anymore people attending? anyonymous

she said said...

The tuesday group seems a little umm boring I guess. It is usually just a few people who want to talk. Most of the people who go to that group just sit in the background. I dont know about you guys but I go to get help talk it out and deal with my problems but this group seems content with their problems and are a bit of a judgemental crowd. Even the group leader seems a little lost in space. Amy is the best and the sat. morning groups are the best and most supportive groups.

Misty said...

The Lakeview Center for Psychotherapy was does not have a Tuesday evening group. Lakview ANAD group takes place on Thursday evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m.

Misty said...

The Lakeview Center for Psychotherapy does not have a Tuesday evening group. Our ANAD group takes place Thursday Evenings from 6:45-7:45.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if this blog is up or not....also to let you know that you can have a free blog at It is an online community that ANAD sponsors and there are a lot of member who use it. If you use it you can write about your groups there, and get a private space for your members if you like.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite Locke quotes.

I've experienced an increase in personal knowledge, allowing me to better understand the why component of my eating disorder. I think I am at the point where I am able to impart that knowledge to others. However, I hesitate to consider myself in recovery. While I think that greater understanding can facilitate recovery, ultimately isn't recovery about being able to put what you've learned into practice? If you have the knowledge and can help others, yet can only help yourself to a certain extent, where does that leave you?

Dr. Niquie Dworkin said...

To the Locke quoter and anyone else seeking to ove beyond insight-It sounds like you need to supplement your "why" knowledge with "how" knowledge, which can only be acquired through experience. I suggest you experiment with small manageable concrete changes, in your relationships with food, with others, and with yourself.