Thursday, April 8, 2010

What have you learned in working with eating disorders?

One thing I've learned in working with eating disorders is how to stay calm and allow clients to progress at their own pace.  When someone is doing something that is harmful, it is easy to become panicked and push them to give up the symptom before they are ready.  This tends to backfire.  What I have learned is to help the client find the part of her or himself that wants to find better ways of managing their feelings and difficulties, and to provide a sense of hope that change is possible for them.  There is always a fine tightrope to walk between acceptance and change. Another important idea I've learned in this work is that every symptom, no matter how seemingly self-destructive, serves an important function and is that person's best attempt to cope with their circumstances.  This understanding also allows me to respect my clients' attachment to their eating disorder while at the same time, gently encouraging them to experiment with new methods of self-care.

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